Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Patrick Soares - Network Diagrams

 • The human Iris is composed a 2 networked structured components 
(Outer and Inner) that regulate the pupils aperture. 

• This is a study of the underbelly of a mushrooms. 
Gill-like structures are networked into the mushroom's stem. 
These gills provide structural strength and serve as pathways 
for delivering nutrients into the mushroom.

• Swarms are more of a behavior dependant on a invisible network.
This network relies on the innate sensibility of the unit (fish) in 
relationship to the whole. Each unit senses the directional path of its neighbor
on all fronts, therefore, many units aggregated can operate as a whole, single,
and intelligent unit. In other words, 1 unit, by itself, is dumb, many units working together is smart.

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