Thursday, September 12, 2013

Bismuth crystal is a natural yet man-made phenomena that occurs when a highly purified quantity of the refined element is heated to it's melting point and then subsequently cooled at the same rate.  Variations in crystallization occur depending on the rate of this heating and cooling process.

The shape metals assume during the crystallization process are derived from their own atomic structure which in the case of Bismuth is considered Rhombic.  The Rhombic structure is also one in the same with the Dodecahedron.  All of these multifaceted geometric volumes are considered Polyhedral. 

This phenomenal tectonic is unique to each element and each compound and surrounds us at a microscopic level in our everyday lives.  To be attuned to this, to venture into the world of the microscopic to understand the larger picture of the structure of the universe is an exciting and still mysterious realm explore.

This phenomenal tectonic is unique to each element and each compound and surrounds us at a microscopic level in our everyday lives.  To be attuned to this, to venture into the world of the microscopic to understand the larger picture of the structure of the universe is an exciting and still mysterious realm explore.

In architecture, and decidedly in modern and post modern architecture there is a tendency to exhibit and exemplify contiguous faces and surfaces in constructed volumes to the point that they become facets much in the same as crystal forms.  From deceptively simple unions at outside corners to conglomerations of forms that merge as if by molecular fusion, architecture is advancing toward more honest representations of the sacred geometric patterns of nature.

I believe by intensifying my research and directing my efforts towards understanding the innate patterns of molecular re-ordering - most interestingly by thermodynamic means, that I will be able to develop a purposeful, easily read - though not without complexity, dynamic and practical yet beautiful aesthetic sensibility that will be applied with the direct intention of catalyzing a network that sprawls and reaches out organically but with a sense of order and control that will sustain its purpose and support its existence.

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